
Lipstick of the Day -- Day 4

So yeah....this is not quite the day 4 lipstick post, I was really rather delay. I have been really enjoying my days off over the last few days and somehow time just flied by without me really noticing it!

Anyway, so this was actually the look on Saturday. It was the Perfect Wave by Lipstick Queen. This is the first lipstick I own from the Lipstick Queen. When the lady in SpaceNK showed me this lipstick, I was full of doubt with this colour. It look very pink and girly from the tube and I was not convinced that pink would suit my complexion.  But I was wrong, the colour is very sheer and it brighten up the face with a very soft colour. I brought it home immediately after I tried it on. The lipstick applied very smoothly and you can build it up if you want more pigment. The down side is when it is dried, it does seem to dry out my lips and I can feel a slight discomfort from my lips, not unbearable, but I found myself seeking moisture all the time after a while. I won't say it got the strongest lasting power, you do need to reapply a few times throughout the day. It didn't really bother me, but some might find that is a bit too much effort!:)

「Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.」--- Matthew 5 :11-12


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