
Day 7 -- Illamasqua Vega

I was told that this colour doesn't suit my age but yet I am super into deep red at the moment, so I completely ignored the comment today! Ha! This Illamasqua Vega is in their autumn collection, I am not sure if it is limited edition but I am sure you can still get it in any counters. Some might say it is too dark and it is not easy to wear and without caution, you can suddenly look old from this lipstick. However, today, I first thought I wanted to wear the green eyeshadow my cousin brought me from German, and I was trying out few lipsticks to match the colour, when I had Vega on, I was surprised with the result. It is not at all shocking or conflict. Green eyeshadow can make me look a bit ill or super lack of sleep,sometimes, but with this deep red, the two colours brighten up my face altogether.

Vega is a bit similar with the Wet n Wild Cherry Bomb, just Vega is more red and Cherry Bomb is more toward to plumy. Both formula are smooth and pigment and both lipsticks colour are accurate from the tubes and on the lips. One slightly different I would say, is that Cherry Bomb seems  to have a better lasting power than Vega. Cherry Bomb stayed on the whole without needing any retouch and I had to retouch a couple times throughout today with Vega. Both are nice, and in London, I guess it will be easier to get on hold on the Vega than Wet n Wild. :)

「In fact, this is love for God: to keep his commands. And his commands are not burdensome, for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the whold, even our faith」--- 1 John 5:3-4



Day 6 -- Wet n Wild Cherry Bomb

I think I am a bit in love with this Wet n Wild MegaLast collection. I personally think they are by far the best matte lipsticks I have used. They are creamy, moisturise, long lasting and pigment. My lips are quite sensitive, I don't normally put on many lips products throughout the day, so I really can't take those drying lipsticks and I found most of the matte lipsticks are quite drying for me. I used to really like Revlon Colourburst Matte Balm. But I wasn't very fond of the minty scent. Some might find it refreshing, but I am just not a big fan of it. Don't get me wrong, the colour range in Revlon is amazing and they all apply very easily. But compare to these Wet n Wild ones, I seem to prefer them better. This Cherry Bomb is a very dark burgundy colour, I am not so sure it suits a very colourful eye makeup. I would say, keep the other makeup as simple as possible and wear a bit of foundation to even out the complexion, that should be enough. It is a perfect autumn colour, especially, in this gloomy London weather, I think those burgundy provided little colours on the city streets!

It looks a bit plummy in photos, but it is actually a lot darker in real life, and surprisingly, I really like this colour. It is not too vampy, like a Halloween colour, but still give the depth. It is beautiful! Go try it if you can find one! :)

「What does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.」--- Micah 6:8



Day 5 --Wet n Wild Sugar Plum Fairy

My cousin is visiting London now and she brought me three of the Wet n Wild lipsticks. This was the first time I ever owned the cosmetic from them. I heard about it for a long time, but here in the UK, we can't really get on hold with them. It was my birthday on Monday (yes, I know, it is no longer a lipstick a day!), and I was wearing a burgundy dress from Jack Wills. So I chose the Sugar Plum Fairy in their MegaLast Collection to go with my outfit that day. It is a plummy colour as the name suggested, but with a rather strong pink undertone. It is matte finishing and I was really impressed with how creamy it is. I was never holding very high hope with the matt lipsticks. They often dried out my lips and made my lips look very patchy. However, this one didn't do that, quite opposite, the whole time I wore it, it stayed pretty creamy. The lasting power was amazing too. I only needed to top up once throughout the whole day, I ate, drunk and all that, and it stayed on my lips the whole time. I guess the down side was that it took quite a while to remove. But I was all very pleased with the result of this lipstick. I can't wait to try out all the other two I own and yet, I am already searching for the new colour and thinking how to get them.

「Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance;perseverance, character;and character,hope.」---Romans 5:3-4



Lipstick of the Day -- Day 4

So yeah....this is not quite the day 4 lipstick post, I was really rather delay. I have been really enjoying my days off over the last few days and somehow time just flied by without me really noticing it!

Anyway, so this was actually the look on Saturday. It was the Perfect Wave by Lipstick Queen. This is the first lipstick I own from the Lipstick Queen. When the lady in SpaceNK showed me this lipstick, I was full of doubt with this colour. It look very pink and girly from the tube and I was not convinced that pink would suit my complexion.  But I was wrong, the colour is very sheer and it brighten up the face with a very soft colour. I brought it home immediately after I tried it on. The lipstick applied very smoothly and you can build it up if you want more pigment. The down side is when it is dried, it does seem to dry out my lips and I can feel a slight discomfort from my lips, not unbearable, but I found myself seeking moisture all the time after a while. I won't say it got the strongest lasting power, you do need to reapply a few times throughout the day. It didn't really bother me, but some might find that is a bit too much effort!:)

「Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.」--- Matthew 5 :11-12



Lipstick of the Day -- Day 3

Here comes my recent favour red lipstick finally-- Nars lipstick "Lana" in their Audacious Collection. I first saw this lipstick on Jenny's (From Head to Toe) channel. I then went to SpaceNK to try it on the same day, I was really pleased with the colour pay-off, so decided to take it home with me. And ever since then, it has became my go-to red lipstick.  This week, I had kept this lipstick particularly for today,as it was my very first day-off since the term started. Viki and I had this whole day shopping plan on our diary for a while, and finally it came, I was all very excited about it, so I decided to go with a red lips makeup for today.

It is more like a satin finish lipstick, not too shinny and definitely not matt. It is very moisturise and I feel very comfortable wearing it. The lasting power is not bad at all. I normally wipe my mouth after eating or drinking, and it didn't leave any stain on my lips, which I am pretty fine with. It is super easy to apply,very smooth,opaque and colour applied evenly. You don't need to apply more than one layer, one swipe is enough. As you all know, I am not a big fan of the lips pencil, although I do agree the need of it, I just don't always have the time sitting there and framing my lips. I only applied this lipstick straight on the lips without using any lips pencils or any brushes.  It does require some sort of attention while applying, but I think all the red lipsticks do.  Again, Lana is more like an orange undertone red lipstick, like most of my red ones. It is very flattering with the Asian skin.  It can certainly brighten up the skin tone and you wouldn't need a lot of makeup. However, today, I did wear some eyeliner to frame my eyes and to make myself look more complete. I do agree, a bit of mascara and cat eyeliner would really go along with this lipstick. What's your favour red lipstick? :)

「Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled」
--- Matthew 5:6



Lipstick of the Day--Day 2

Today, I have chosen the YSL Rouge Pur Couture #51 for my lipstick of the day. I first saw a similar colour in a Korean Drama, and thought it look rather nice on the actress. I then went on a hunt for it. However, the closest colour I could find was this YSL Rouge Pur Couture #51. ( well, the truth was, apparently, the lipstick that actress wore was the #52, but it was out of stock everywhere I went). I was quite happy with this one and thought I would come a lot of use of it. But yet, knowing me, it was sitting on my vanity for ages with very little wear.  When the friend came over the other day, we swatch the colour and it reminded me how lovely the colour is. So I made it as one of my 7 lipsticks of the first week challenge.

I have forgotten how creamy it was and was only reminded today when I tried to apply it from the tube. I would say this one might be better with the brush. It is almost too creamy! In a way, the benefit of it, is that it won't dry out your lips. But it is so creamy that it is very hard to apply it evenly. And I would say you can only wear this one when you are having a perfect lips day. This formula can easily make the dry patch stands out even more. It is a coral lipstick with a slightly pink undertone. I think this colour suits for a paler skin and with a bit of makeup on. You certainly need some blush on the cheek, otherwise, it might watch off the colour on the face. Overall, it is still a nice formula, but I have had a better choice with similar colour, which is easier to apply and maybe a bit cheaper,too. ;)

「But many who are first will be last, and the last first」---Mark 10:31



Lipstick Challenge Day1

Since it is the half term in the UK and I am also told that I should have done something with my life which can excite me. Thought it is the good time to resume my blog again. All you may know that I have a bit of lipstick obsession.  I can always find more interesting colours and always want more. And also since I have far too many lipsticks, a friend suggested me to go on a challenge of wearing a different lipstick every day. Hence, we are....

The first one I chosen today, was by Cyber Color, from their Gemstone collection, #3 Red Rose. This was actually my first time wearing them, and I was very impressed with the formula.  It is more like a sheer lipstick rather than a opaque one. This lipstick has a little golden shimmer on it and it is certainly not as red as it is seen on the tube. It applied smoothly and I would say it suits most of the skin tone. I am not particularly pale and I have a little bit of yellow skin undertone.  I didn't wear any makeup today, no foundation, no bb cream, no eye makeup. Nothing, apart from the eyebrows and lipsticks and it seems fine to me. So I would say, it is quite a low maintenance product and it would be a perfect lipstick on the days when you don't have much time to wear the makeup, but still want some colour on your face without standing out too much.

I am not so sure if you can get on hold with this one in the UK. I believe this is an Asian brand. But I will let you know if I found out more about it! :)

「And now these three remain; faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.」
--1 Corinthians 13:13
